Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Old Sleep Vs. Gaming Debate

So after last night's gaming session, I realized that I don't require as much sleep as other ppl (people). As my wife knows she has actually changed her sleeping patterns to deal with a newborn, and has again changed for Gaming too.

(Most of you will know that we play WoW "World of Warcraft". That never ending game inspires never ending quests and sleepless nights, hanging out with friends but the kids go to sleep at the right bed time and in their own beds.)

Anyways, we stayed up until 12:30 am last night. that is about 30 mins to an hour longer than normal. We did this knowing that we had to get up early (normally get up at 7:30 am, barring the early rising kids getting up earlier) to make sure that we got all ready for the day b4 I had to be driven to work. (The car is getting a new Serpentine Belt installed) So, on 7 hours of sleep, I function like usual. Wifey might have a little more of a problem. (pray she gets a nap too, with the kids) I don't think that 6-7 hours of sleep is too little sleep, for me at least. If I get a night of 4-5 hours of sleep I can function. As long as it is only like once every week or two.

Here is the dilemma, does a person sleep and give up valuable "Me/gaming" time? or do I go to bed and miss a couple of hours of the "Me/gaming" time?

I figure sleep is good, but feeling like I got some non-Work/loud kids time is healthier. (mentally mostly)

So the question posed for you is what would you do? Sleep or do your favorite hobby/pastime?
Also, What is you favorite pastime?


Unknown said...

You know my answer! MEH! lol of course reading works too.

PS. you should link "Time Gnomes" sometime.

Pete said...

Man how would it be to get so much sleep. I got to bed at 1130PM and get up at 530AM every day I work. Granted thats only monday through thursday and occasional fridays, but it's still a lot of not sleeping. And to answer your question: game, you can sleep when you're dead, lol.

Nat said...

Dude, sleeping IS one of my favorite passtimes!!